by LibSyn OnPublish | Oct 13, 2019 | shows
What actually happens when you hire smart people and then put them in positions where they have to use their highest order thinking skills on context switching activities? Listen to Brandi Olson and Andy Cleff to understand the true costs of organizational...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Oct 6, 2019 | shows
What is domain-driven design? Isn’t that an architecture thing? WTF is “ubiquitous nomenclature”? Join James Gifford and Jay Hrcsko as they compare experiences with utilizing domain-driven design in agile transformations, and how...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Sep 29, 2019 | shows
Guests Lena Ross and Jen Frahm chat with Andy Cleff about empathy and resilience in leadership. Topics include: Getting executives fully onboard with business agility and agile transformation. Helping leaders gain a better understanding of the things in...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Sep 22, 2019 | shows
Join the Agile Uprising Discord Server! Our new discord is absolutely free! In this episode of the Agile Uprising podcast, Troy Lightfoot and Jay Hrsko Agile principles as a way to measure progress at all levels of an organization. Check out this Agile...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Sep 15, 2019 | shows
In this @agileuprising episode, guest @Nazee_Hajebi discusses her talk at Agile2019’s Women in Agile @womeninagileorg: “Nevertheless, She Finally Thinks She Persisted” Cohosts Andy Cleff @justsitthere and Chris Murman @chrismurman ramble on, as...