by LibSyn OnPublish | Jul 19, 2020 | shows
Ahh…the “SAFe SPC.” Is it necessary? Or is it the agile version of the PMP? Join our host Chris Murman as he chats with Jay Hrcsko and fellow Coaltion members Joel Stone and Mike Caddell as they discuss the course, what they got out...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Jul 12, 2020 | shows
In this episode, Chris Murman chats with Job Hackers Founder & Chief Agile Officer, Larry Apke, as well as two Job Hackers alumni. Job Hackers is a grassroots 501 (C3) nonprofit with a mission to provide individuals with the knowledge and experience needed to...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Jul 5, 2020 | shows
Dave Snowden, Andrea Tomasini and Richard Dolman chat with Andy Cleff and Colleen Johnson to explore the most crucial leadership challenge of the day: Making Sense in Times of Uncertainty Dave Snowden is founder and chief scientific officer of Cognitive Edge. His work...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Jun 28, 2020 | shows
This week’s episode is all FLOW, FLOW, FLOW! Andy Cleff and Jay Hrcsko are joined by fellow agile coach Jeff Pray to discuss two of the concepts he uses while coaching the concept of flow in the enterprise. His Flow Manifesto is a re-imagining of the...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Jun 21, 2020 | shows
We talk all the time about changing organizational structure…but we always end up with some sortof hierarchy. And what about “teams that don’t change”…is that really agile? In this week’s episode Jeff Anderson,...
by LibSyn OnPublish | Jun 14, 2020 | shows
Colleen Johnson @scrumhive chats with Mellissa Boggs @HmngbirdAgility about the Scrum Alliance’s @ScrumAlliance organizational refactoring over the past year, finding the right balance between self-organizing teams and organizational constraints....