Book Review: Zone To Win by Geoffrey Moore

  In this week’s chat Chris Murman, Andrew Leff, and Jay Hrcsko sit down to discuss the book Zone To Win by Geoffrey Moore…how do concepts like zone management play into our experiences in agile transformations?  Take a listen and find out! Zone...

Business Agility with Dean Leffingwell

In our newest episode of “Business Agility” Creator of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Dean Leffingwell joins Chris Murman, Troy Lightfoot, and Andrew Leff to discuss Business Agility, SAFe 5.0, and address some of the criticisms in various Forbes,...

Audit & Compliance in Transformations

  Audit and Compliance…two of the scariest departments to engage in an agile transformation…but should they be? Guest John Schneider joins Andrew Leff, James Gifford, and Jay Hrcsko to talk about how to have positive interactions with your audit and...

The Value of an Agile Coach

Time and time again, we hear managers and executives say “Coaches are expensive.”  In this episode Coalition members Rudiger Wolf and Joel Stone join Andrew Leff and Jay Hrcsko to talk about how to demonstrate the value of a coach, as well as ways to...