Leadership is Language with David Marquet

In this Agile Uprising podcast, co-hosts Andy Cleff and Erik Cottrell chat with David Marquet about his latest book. The hypothesis behind “Leadership is Language” is that how we communicate at work has been programmed by Industrial Revolution thinking....

Transformations: A Game of 20 Questions

  What’s the hardest department to transform?  What’s the one thing a transformation always gets wrong?  We play a game of 20 questions with Colleen Johnson, Andrew Leff, Chris Murman, and Andy Cleff where we answer these an 18 more! ...

Liberating Structures with Dana Pylayeva

  In this week’s exciting episode we sit down with Dana Pylayeva to talk about Liberating Structures…what are they?  How do we use them?  Can you “daisy-chain” them together for even better results?  Join us and see!...

The Future of Agile?

  As we leave the “Decade of Agile”, a bunch of us got together to discuss where we’ve been and where we’ve headed.  Have we reached “peak agile”?  What’s coming around the corner?  Tardigrades?  Blue...