Jurgen Appelo | Agility Scales

This week we welcome Jurgen Appelo to the show. Jurgen is aspeaker and writer, pioneering management to help creative organizations survive and thrive in the 21st century.
Jurgen calls himself a creative networker. But sometimes he’s a writer, speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, illustrator, manager, blogger, reader, dreamer, leader, freethinker, or… Dutch guy. Inc.com has called him a Top 50 Leadership Expert, a Top 50 Leadership Innovator and a Top 100 Great Leadership Speaker. Since 2008, Jurgen writes a popular blog at NOOP.NL, offering ideas on the creative economy, agile management, organizational change, and personal development. He is the author of the book Management 3.0, which describes the role of the manager in agile organizations. And he wrote the little book How to Change the World, which describes a supermodel for change management. His most recent book is called #Workout / Managing for Happiness, which offers you practical ideas to engage workers, improve work, and delight clients.
We were very lucky to spend an hour with Jurgen to discuss his various projects, his 12 steps for happiness, his recent stock sale for Management 3.0 and agile practices in general.
You can find on Twitter (@jurgenappelo) at agilityscales.com, management30.com, happymelly.com and good ole email: jurgen@noop.nl
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